James & Janice M Prochaska • www.jprochaska.com

Session Title: Using the Stages of Change to Create Positive Habits

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James O. Prochaska, Ph.D. is the Director of the Cancer Prevention Research Center and Professor of Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Rhode Island. He is internationally recognized for his work as the lead developer of the Stage Model of Behavior Change.

Janice M. Prochaska, Ph.D. is one of the most published authors in the field of Social Work. She has led research and development teams for health behavior and organizational change programs as the CEO of Pro-Change Behavior Systems, Inc. from 1997-2015. Pro-Change builds digital programs using the Stages of Change Model and licences the programs to employers, health insurance, companies, medical practices, and others.

Books: Changing to Thrive

Sandra Hochhuber https://www.naturheilpraxis-hochhuber.de

Session Title: From Self Sabotage to Self-love with the inner child

Trance in English

I am Sandra Hochhuber and I make people happy. Actually, I help them to make themselves happy. As a coach and naturopath I help female entrepreneurs to get from doubting and never feeling good enough to self-love. In business all your hidden shadows show up. Indeed, you only have to stop yourself from being in your way.


Jeanet Bathoorn

Session Title: Creating Positive Habits to Create your Freedom Lifestyle

Jeanet is the founder of the Freedom Entrepreneur Cruise.

Imagine yourself surrounded by 100 like-minded online entrepreneurs on a stress-free cruise, with sumptuous food and the relaxing private space of your exclusive balcony cabin.

Together we will experience incredible new destinations, learn and share new skills and make life-long friendships. Come with us as we cruise the expanse of the Atlantic Ocean without a worry in sight. 

Tania Gerard • www.taniagerard.com

Session Title: The connection you have been missing

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As a Congruency Coach, Tania Gerard helps you to create sustainable well-being by connecting with yourself and making confident decisions that fit your individual, unique needs and life.

Rebecca Packard • https://rebeccapackard.com

Session Title: Tools For Life Finding Calm In The Chaos

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Rebecca Packard is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner bringing holistic tools to people for
practical use in everyday life. With a career in Emergency Medicine that transitioned to a Holistic
Wellness Practice she more than knows the need for these tools to be shared. As they were the tools that saved her life, she now works with clients from around the world with.

Kornelija (Cornelia) Vorobyova • www.cornelia.coach

Session Title: Human Design System as a tool to understand and end self-sabotage

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I’m Cornelia, a Human Design strategist. I guide you towards clarity in life and business through your unique energetic imprint.

Darcy Holmer • www.darcyholmer.com

Session Title: Positive Habits to Empower Your Life

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Darcy Holmer is a Personal Power Coach helping women level up their well-being in Self, Body & Money. A finance professional who hit a personal roadblock in her mid-30’s, when she started prioritizing her own well-being, she experienced the transformational power that feeling good can work in all areas of life. Now, wearing professional hats in all three areas, Darcy helps other women become their own best advocates for their personal, physical and financial well-being. It is her goal to empower women in Self, Body & Money so they, too, can experience the transformational power of feeling good, with the internal and external resources to live as fully as they want and deserve.

Willow Bradner • www.willowbradner.com

Session Title: TRUST is at the Epicenter of Success.

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Willow Bradner is the Accidental Psychic. Willow believes it is in the Intuition that we rediscover who
we are meant to be, our purpose if you will and it is there that old ego patterning dissolves and the
TRUE YOU emerges allowing you to fully Capitalize on your Intuition, making you more successful in
business, love and abundance.

Willow offers both Individual psychic readings and group programing for those wanting to Capitalize
on their Intuition.

Gabrielle Thil • https://www.gabriellethil.com/en/

Session Title: Are you tired of wasting your talents by constantly worrying? Learn how to shift your energy.

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Gabrielle helps heart-centered entrepreneurs to achieve their true potential by identifying and overcoming their resistance at a very deep level. “If our presence does not work, neither will our words. Our own unique voices won’t be heard and we won’t be able to share our talents with the world.”

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