Dr. Katja Brunkhorst • www.bright-idea.de/en

Session Title: Already conscious? Fire your autopilot and become mindful with Yoga philosophy

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I’m a scholar of literature and philosophy, a yoga student and teacher (BDY/EYU) and, last but certainly not least, a freelance author, copywriter and mompreneur who runs a small agency, https://bright-idea.de/en/. I get a kick out of understanding and creating connections between people, am passionate about being a mother, musician and yogini; and I feel blessed I get to deal with words and languages in many different registers for a living. Fascinated with communication in all its forms, how it sounds – and how it can work, I call language home.

Books: Verwandt – Verwandelt

Margarita Miller • https://www.facebook.com/margaritamillere

Session Title: Rewire your Brain and Upgrade your Life.

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Margarita is a life strategy consultant and an expatriate coach, not just by profession, but by calling and passion. Abroad or at home, we are responsible for our lives and it is our choice to live dull or abundant life. And Margarita knows how to bring abundance, joy and curiosity into the life of her clients. She has helped clients all over the world to achieve their goals and dreams by doing simple actions.

Margarita is a multipassionate person, and apart from work and international life, she loves animals, doing charity work, likes everything about Middle East (currently she studies Arabic yet again ) and trying new unusual hobbies, the latest neurographics, which got integrated into work, and professional camel riding.

Jennifer Hough • www.thewideawakening.com

Session Title: The Wide Awakening

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Jennifer Hough is a Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Alchemist. She sees the world and individuals holographically and creates experiential programs reflecting what she sees about human potential. Her unique superpower activates your cellular level to the essence of who you truly are with new paradigms that change how you relate to Awakening. www.TheWideAwakening.com

Elif Tepebasi 

Session Title: How Patterns in our Life Determine our Behaviour

Elif is a transformational leadership coach who focuses on developing leader’s authenticity in the workplace. Visit her Facebook Page to join her Coffee Meetings where she interviews interesting people from around the world.

Paul Colaianni (KO-LEE-AH-NEE) • www.theoverwhelmedbrain.com

Session Title: One of the Primary Reasons you Sabotage Yourself

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Paul Colaianni is the host of The Overwhelmed Brain podcast and author of the book The Overwhelmed Brain: Personal Growth for Critical Thinkers. He helps you increase your emotional intelligence, strengthen your self-worth and self-esteem and empower you so that you can make decisions that are right for you.

Books: The Overwhelmed Brain: Personal Growth for Critical Thinkers

Glenn R. Schiraldi, Ph.D. • www.ResilienceFirst.com

Session Title: Rewiring Your Brain and Mind for Resilience

Glenn R. Schiraldi, Ph.D., has served on the stress management faculties at the Pentagon, the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, and the University of Maryland, where he received the Outstanding Teaching Award and other teaching/service awards in the School of Public Health. His 13 books on topics related to stress, resilience, and trauma have been translated into 16 foreign languages. He established Resilience Training International, which teaches people how to prevent and recover from stress-related conditions such as PTSD and anxiety, while optimizing health and performance. Glenn has trained high-risk groups around the world ranging from elite military to employees. His research has shown that resilience training increases resilience, happiness, self-esteem, and optimism, while reducing anxiety, depression, and anger. Glenn is a West Point graduate and a retired U.S. Army Reserve officer..

Books: The Resilience Workbook by Glenn R. Schiraldi, Ph.D., 2017. (Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications)

Veronica Parker • www.VeronicaParker44.com

Session Title: Let go of doubt and activate the power of confidence in your life

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Veronica Parker is a Wellness leader, Certified Kundalini Yoga instructor and Meditation teacher. She helps women through coaching & workshops to unleash confidence, creativity and connection to live life on purpose. She has been featured in Shape, Elite Daily, Bustle, Thrive Global, Yogapedia, Pop Sugar and multiple podcasts.

Veronica is the producer and host of Live Your Happy NOW: a 5 star podcast on iTunes. She’s available for 1-1 mentoring and private coaching sessions. Her website is http://www.VeronicaParker44.com instagram @liveyourhappynow & Facebook.com/VeronicaParker44

Live Your Happy NOW: Conversations to open up and live an authentic, happy and fulfilled life

Andro Donovan https://www.androdonovan.com

Session Title: Motivate yourself -Get the Life You Want, Find Purpose and Achieve Fulfillment

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Andro Donovan is a globally sought after leadership development and team building expert, and the author of a best-selling book – Motivate Yourself – get the life you want, find purpose and achieve fulfilment. She is also an inspiring and accomplished key note speaker. Andro began her career teaching English Literature to disengaged school students, and getting them to be more inspired about their lives and futures, then worked for several years as a management consultant, before setting up the AD Consulting Group.
Through AD Consulting, Andro and her team have worked cross-culturally with thousands of CEOs, Business Owners, and leaders in blue chip organisations and fast growing SMEs. Through her consulting assignments, facilitated workshops, and retreats, the aim is always to identify patterns of behaviour that block peak performance, collaboration, untapped potential, motivation and the health of management teams.
Recognizing there was a growing demand from clients to learn new team building and coaching skills, Andro has developed the 4Pillar team coaching course for leaders, business owners, and facilitators to help them accelerate changes in attitudes and behaviours to create more thriving highly motivated teams.

Books: : Motivate Yourself

Anna Andergrahn • https://bubblybalance.com/

Session Title: Align all of yourself with your goal – and clear subconscious contra-productive patterns.

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Anna Andergrahn, intuitive soul-supporter, Sweden, is strengthening parents from within, so they
can Know, Like and Trust their purpose and help their children to do the same, so they can make
peace with themselves and make the right choices for themselves and their life, and by that
contributing to a better world for all.

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